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FAQ/Membership Details

1. What is GEO de UCLA? 

  • GEO is a student-led organization that hopes to provide an embracing space and community for Oaxacan students at UCLA. Our ultimate goal is to provide guidance and resources to support our Oaxacan community. We hope to come together to share and celebrate our culture and its traditions. Oaxaca is one of the 68 Indigenous communities existing in Mexico today. In California alone, the indigenous languages of Oaxaca are found widespread in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Santa Ana. Our campus at UCLA is currently home to a community of Oaxacan students, and we want to create a safe and welcoming environment for all Oaxacan-identifying students.

2. What does GEO do?

  • Our mission as an organization is to provide a safe space for students to honor and explore their identities as Oaxaqueños in higher education at the University of California, Los Angeles. We strive to build community and a sense of belonging by providing Cultural and Retention Programming, Professional Development Opportunities, and Educational Outreach to Oaxaqueños in the greater Los Angeles Area. United we celebrate our roots and persevere through our educational journey.  

​3. Who can join? Do you have to be of Oaxacan roots?

  • Anyone of Oaxacan descent and surrounding communities can join.

4. Is there a time commitment? What does it mean to be a member?

  •  The purpose is to help organize members who come & share space with us. We want to allow everyone to have a leadership role with GEO! We have “Members in Good Standing”.

    • How can I become a member in good standing?

      • 50% Attendance each quarter (starting Winter Quarter 2023)

    • Help bring 1 event to life each quarter

      • Ex: participation in fundraisers/volunteer in events


5. Are we a Latine organization?

  • At the UCLA campus, we are associated with Latine organizations on campus, however, we are careful with our association with the Latine community as we do not want to ignore the diverse culture and indigenous presence in Oaxaca. We ensure that every space GEO shares is safe for all students who identify as indigenous or are currently exploring their identity through our community! 

6. What makes GEO different from other “Latine” organizations on campus?

  • Oaxaca, Mexico is diverse and even though we can fall under the Latine category, we have a majority and diverse indigenous community in Oaxaca.

7. What does it mean to be Oaxacan?

  • Oaxaca is a state located in Southwest Mexico that is divided into 8 different regions: Cañada, Costa, Istmo, Mixteca, Papaloapan, Sierra Norte, Sierra Sur, and Valles Centrales. Oaxaca’s rugged topography, which consists of extensive mountain ranges, allowed for the formation of 16 different indigenous groups, each with their own traditions and culture. Despite the facts, everyone has a different experience and definition of what it means to be Oaxacan. This space is for you to decide and explore.

8. How can we join?

  • There is no formal process to join, you are welcome to build community with us whenever you feel comfortable. However, please feel to fill out our interest form so that we have your contact info to inform you of our future events. You can also provide your email to join our newsletter that we send out weekly with news and events related to GEO. GEO is a student-led organization, we recruit every year for students interested in being part of the board. Recruitment starts mid-way through the school year, early Winter Quarter.

9. Are there any dues?

  • We do not have dues, this is a space for us to build community without adding additional financial stress to students!

10. How can we join the Executive Board for next year?

  • This is a formal application process to join our board, just to ensure folks are interested and committed to GEO, but don’t be alarmed; We want everyone interested to apply! Our Applications for the 2023-2024 school year are currently open and due April 16th, 2023!

11. How can we join GroupMe?

  • You can click this link to join our Groupme.

12. How does GEO approach collaborations with other organizations on campus? (i.e. Latine organizations, or other clubs)

  • Currently, GEO evaluates on a case-by-case basis.

13. Who should be contacted for collaborations?

14. Do we want to have a space for an ally that wants to support GEO?

  • Yes, we have events that are public, and we have fundraisers if anyone wants to financially support our organization. 



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